How They Met

Jo was enjoying a bowl of ramen in their almost barren living room. Nothing but moving boxes and a make-shift coffee table (Which is also just a moving box). Out of nowhere, Pickles spawns smack dab in the middle of Jo’s living room. Breaking their ‘coffee table’ in the process of course. They both scream. Jo notices that Pickles is hurt. Jo reaches for Pickles’ leg. P is hesitant at first but lets Jo fix it. Jo reaches out to pet P, but he sassily teleports away without saying thank you. Jo’s mind blown and confused, but they continue on w/ their evening. Pickles comes back. This time bearing gifts. He brought Jo furniture! Jo thanks him then he dips again. Jo wakes up the next morning to see Pickles sleeping on their new couch.
Jo the Human

Full Name: Josephine 'Bean' Montiero
Height: 5' 9"
Eyes: Green (2)
Hair: Brown
Nicknames: Jo, Bean, Monti, Human
Works at their parents coffee shop (just to appease them)
Wants to be a full time artist. Specifically Film and Painting. 
Forced to move to NY, by their parents, so they can "learn to be more responsible".
Pickles the Llama

Full Name: Unknown
Height: 6' 0"
Eyes: Light Blue (2)
Fur: Off White
Nicknames: Pickles
Spits Teleportals
Incredibly Sassy
Tech Savvy
Closed off Emotionally
Can comfortably hold a coffee mug even though he doesn't possess opposable thumbs.
Banished from his home planet for committing heinous crimes against llamakind.

How Pickles Got His Name

The morning after the unnamed llama popped into Jo's living room, their landlord stops by. A half asleep Jo swings open the door, without much thought, and accidentally reveals the 6ft tall llama standing in the middle of their kitchen. Startled, the llama stumbles back into the counter and knocks a few things to the floor. The landlord is furious. He has a strict no pet policy. With a bit of quick thinking, Jo tells their landlord that the llama's their emotional support animal. Moving from Cali to NY can cause quite a bit of emotional stress after all. Reluctantly, the landlord agrees to let the fluffy guy stay, and asks about his name. In a panic, Jo looks around their apartment for inspiration. Their gaze falls upon a jar that the llama had knocked over moments earlier.
Jo: "Pickles."
LL: "I'm sorry. What?"
Jo: "His name is Pickles."
LL: (under his breath) "You rich people and your animals."
Jo: "Huh?"
LL: "Nothin. Have a good day."

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